Health Tips

Why is it so important to move more throughout the day?

January 26, 2016

Movement benefits general fitness and cardiovascular health, lack of movement or sedentary behaviour has become the norm – we sit at desk jobs, sit at school and we sit on the couch at home.  In fact, recent research findings are revealing that sitting too much during the day can be detrimental to an individual’s health.

Sitting down for too long can lead to fairly serious problems such as:

  • Weight gain
  • Poor muscle tone and posture
  • Increased risk of developing disease such as heart disease.

Even if we are physically active for at least 30 minutes every day, it’s still important to avoid sitting for too long throughout the rest of the day.

Sit less, stand up and move more throughout the day

It may not sound like much, but breaking up sitting time makes a big difference.

Try adding these simple activities to your day:

  • Stand up at least every 30 minutes when ever you can
  • Regularly change posture
  • Move your arms and legs
  • Stretch
  • Walk around

At work

  • Take short regular breaks from sitting
  • Stand up to use the phone
  • Think about using your feet first and walk to see colleagues instead of emailing
  • Stand up at meetings
  • Have walking meetings
  • If you have to sit down for long period change posture often and move and stretch muscles
  • Even standing up for as little as a few minutes may help lower the health risks
  • Park the car further from the shops and walk there

At home

  • Change posture often if you are using a computer or watching TV
  • Stand up every 30 minutes or so
  • Stand up and move during the ad breaks
  • Take regular walks in the outdoors